Geaux Big Baton Rouge: A Celebration of LSU’s Volunteer Spirit

In the academic year of 2022-23, LSU students demonstrated their commitment to service by contributing a remarkable 88,485 hours of their time to various volunteer initiatives, as per this news release from Louisiana State University. This significant dedication translated into an estimated economic impact exceeding $2.4 million. Such numbers underscore the profound impact that student volunteerism can have on local communities, showcasing the power of collective action and altruism.

LSU students engaged in diverse service activities, addressing a myriad of needs identified by Baton Rouge residents and organizations. This multifaceted approach not only allowed students to give back but also provided them with invaluable leadership experiences. By immersing themselves in real-world challenges, students cultivated essential skills while making tangible contributions to society.

One of the hallmark events demonstrating LSU’s commitment to service is Geaux Big Baton Rouge. This annual event serves as a vibrant celebration of community engagement, drawing students from across campus to participate in various service projects. Held on Saturday, April 13, this year’s event saw a remarkable turnout as students eagerly volunteered their time and efforts to support the Greater Baton Rouge community.

Individual students and student organizations made significant contributions to causes such as the LSU Food Pantry,where 2,219 hours were dedicated to serving those in need. Student athletes also played a crucial role, contributing 1,925 hours through LSU Tiger Life initiatives. Additionally, the Center for Community Engagement, Learning, and Leadership facilitated 22,100 service-learning hours, further enriching students’ educational experiences.

Fraternities and sororities at LSU collectively contributed an impressive 64,295 volunteer service hours, underscoring the importance of community involvement within the Greek community. Whether through short-term commitments or semester-long projects, LSU students demonstrated their dedication to making a positive and lasting impact on society.

Central to LSU’s volunteerism efforts is Volunteer LSU, an initiative spearheaded by Campus Life. This program offers curated service opportunities designed to foster community partnerships and instill a lifelong commitment to service among students. By joining Volunteer LSU through TigerLink, students gain access to a wide range of volunteer opportunities and receive regular updates on upcoming service projects.

Among the community partners collaborating with Volunteer LSU are esteemed organizations such as the Baton Rouge Zoo, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Baton Rouge, and the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank. These partnerships provide students with meaningful avenues to contribute to various causes while gaining firs-thand experience in community service.

The roots of Volunteer LSU trace back to the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005 when LSU students rallied to support affected communities. This initial response laid the foundation for Volunteer LSU as a student-led initiative dedicated to promoting and coordinating volunteer efforts. Over the years, the initiative evolved into a campus-wide endeavor, amplifying its impact and reach within the community.

Beyond Volunteer LSU, LSU offers numerous avenues for students to engage in service both on campus and beyond. Programs such as the Engaged Citizen Program and the Martin Luther King Day of Service provide additional opportunities for students to contribute to meaningful causes and foster positive change.

In conclusion, LSU’s commitment to service and community engagement is exemplified by the tireless efforts of its students and the initiatives that support their endeavors. Through volunteerism, students not only make a difference in the lives of others but also develop invaluable skills and perspectives that will serve them well in their future endeavors, fostering a culture of empathy and responsibility.

Furthermore, by actively participating in service initiatives, LSU students become catalysts for positive change, inspiring others to join in the collective effort to address societal challenges and create a more equitable and compassionate world for all.

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The Importance of Honey Bees in Baton Rouge

In the heart of Baton Rouge, nestled between the sprawling campus of LSU and the mighty Mississippi River, lies a hub of activity that has buzzed with scientific curiosity for nearly a century. According to this article from The Advocate,it is here, on Ben Hur Road, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Services Honey Bees Breeding, Genetics and Physiology Unit has been a hive of activity for 95 years. Dedicated scientists have toiled tirelessly, both in the field and within the laboratory, striving to unravel the mysteries of bee biology and address the challenges facing the commercial beekeeping industry, all with the aim of fostering healthier honey bee colonies.

Elizabeth Walsh, a research entomologist at the lab, emphasizes the critical importance of their work, stating, “At the end of the day, we’ve built our entire agroecosystem around these insect pollinators, and we have to do all we can to safeguard our food security — and also do right by our stakeholders.”

Indeed, the humble bee holds a profound significance in our world. Alongside other vital pollinators such as butterflies, bats, and hummingbirds, bees play an indispensable role in sustaining global agriculture and biodiversity. The magnitude of their contribution is staggering: a single honeybee can pollinate about 5,000 flowers per day, collectively visiting millions of flowers and enabling the production of a vast array of fruits and vegetables, from almond trees to zucchini plants.

The economic value of bees is equally impressive, with honeybees alone pollinating an estimated $15 billion worth of crops in the United States. In California, where more than half of the world’s almonds are grown, bee pollination is not just beneficial but absolutely essential, as almond trees rely entirely on bees to produce nuts.

The interconnectedness between bees and humanity is profound, dating back thousands of years. Ancient civilizations recognized the invaluable contributions of bees, engaging in practices such as honey hunting as far back as the Stone Age in Europe. Even in modern times, traditions like “telling the bees,” where keepers inform their bees of significant events, serve as poignant reminders of our enduring bond with these remarkable creatures.

In Baton Rouge, this bond is honored and nurtured through initiatives like the memorial hive at Burden Museum and Gardens, dedicated to the late Dana Collins, a passionate member of the Capital Area Beekeepers Association. Through bee relocation, genetics research, and educational outreach efforts, individuals like Kevin Langley, vice president of the Louisiana Beekeepers Association, embody the spirit of stewardship and collaboration that defines the beekeeping community.

Yet, despite the resilience and adaptability of bees, they face a myriad of challenges that threaten their health and survival. Pesticides, parasites, pathogens, and poor nutrition all contribute to the decline of bee populations, exacerbated by the impacts of climate change. The consequences of this decline are far-reaching, affecting not only agricultural productivity but also the delicate balance of ecosystems worldwide.

In response to these challenges, scientists like Frank Rinkevich are at the forefront of innovative research aimed at improving bee health and resilience. Through techniques such as instrumental queen bee artificial insemination, researchers are developing strategies to combat parasitic mites and cultivate bees with specific traits, such as gentleness and productivity.

As individuals, there are steps we can take to support bee populations and promote their well-being. Planting bee-friendly gardens, avoiding chemical pesticides, and providing essential habitat resources are just a few examples of how ordinary citizens can make a difference. By fostering an environment conducive to bee health, we not only ensure the vitality of our ecosystems but also safeguard our own food security and well-being.

As spring unfolds and bees emerge to begin their vital work, let us remember the profound impact of these tiny yet extraordinary creatures. In their tireless efforts to pollinate our crops and sustain our world, honey bees exemplify the remarkable interconnectedness of life on Earth.

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Advancing Brain Research: Insights from LSU’s Neuroscience Symposium

LSU recently hosted its inaugural Neuroscience Symposium, an event that aimed to bring together minds from diverse backgrounds to advance the understanding of the brain and nervous system, according to this news release from Louisiana State University. Held at the Pennington Biomedical Research Conference Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on Friday, March 8, the symposium was organized by the Baton Rouge Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN BTR).

The symposium’s objective was aligned with the mission of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) – to integrate research from various scientific fields focused on biological organization, thereby promoting a deeper understanding of the brain and nervous system. Moreover, it aimed to encourage translational research, which applies knowledge gained from basic research to develop improved treatments and cures for neurological diseases.

A variety of presentations were delivered by esteemed institutions including Louisiana State University (LSU), LSU Health Sciences Center, and Pennington Biomedical Research Center. Additionally, a Poster Session provided an avenue for researchers to showcase their work. The keynote address, titled “Uncovering principles to sustain neurons’ long lives: signaling redundancy and resiliency at the onset of neurodegenerative disease,” was delivered by Nicolas G. Bazan, MD, PhD, Boyd Professor and Director of the Neuroscience Center of Excellence at the Health Sciences Center in New Orleans.

Alexander Murashov, PhD, President of SfN BTR and Department Head of LSU Comparative Biomedical Sciences, emphasized the commitment of LSU to prioritize scholarship and support the mission of advancing understanding in neuroscience. He stated, “As the flagship for Louisiana, we are committed to Scholarship First. Being active in the Society for Neuroscience chapter, we are supporting the mission to advance our understanding of the brain and nervous system.”

Echoing this sentiment, Arend Van Gemmert, PhD, Treasurer for SfN BTR and Associate Dean of the LSU College of Human Sciences & Education, highlighted the importance of bringing neuroscience leaders together to showcase the breadth of scientific endeavors aimed at improving lives through basic, behavioral, and translational research.

The symposium featured presentations covering a wide range of topics including the neural correlates of substance abuse, social interaction and fear, memory, and vision. This interdisciplinary approach underscored the commitment ofLSU institutions to prioritize scholarship and address challenges vital to the future of fields such as agriculture, biotechnology, defense, and energy.

The success of the event was made possible through generous contributions from various entities including theDepartment of Comparative Biomedical Sciences, LSU Veterinary School, LSU Foundation, and Pennington Biomedical Research Center. The Baton Rouge Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience expressed gratitude to these supporters for their commitment to advancing neuroscience research.

In addition to serving as a platform for collaboration and knowledge sharing, the inaugural Neuroscience Symposium at LSU sparked conversations that will likely resonate far beyond its duration. The connections forged and insights gained during the event are poised to catalyze future research endeavors, potentially leading to groundbreaking discoveries in the field of neuroscience.

As participants departed from the symposium, they carried with them not only new ideas and perspectives but also a renewed sense of purpose in their quest to unravel the complexities of the brain. With continued dedication to scholarship and collaboration, the impact of LSU’s Neuroscience Symposium is sure to reverberate throughout the scientific community, offering hope for advancements that could ultimately enhance the quality of life for countless individuals affected by neurological disorders.

In conclusion, the inaugural Neuroscience Symposium at LSU served as a platform for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and advancing research in neuroscience. By bringing together experts from diverse fields, the event contributed to the collective effort to unravel the mysteries of the brain and nervous system, paving the way for improved treatments and cures for neurological disorders.

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LSU’s $1M Initiative to Enhance Memory Forensics

In a groundbreaking development, LSU’s cybersecurity team, under the leadership of experts Golden Richard and Aisha Ali-Gombe, has been awarded a significant grant of $1 million from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. This substantial funding comes through the Criminal Investigations and Network Analysis Center, a Department of Homeland Security Center of Excellence at George Mason University, aimed at advancing the field of memory forensics. As per this news release from LSU, the focus of this research is to enhance digital investigations and recover elusive evidence related to criminal activities.

At the forefront of memory forensics development globally, LSU’s cybersecurity team specializes in documenting short-term memory on computers and digital devices, including cell phones. This innovative approach distinguishes itself from traditional digital forensics, which primarily deals with permanently stored data and long-term memory on hard drives. Drawing an analogy to a coroner autopsying a human brain versus documenting a person’s thoughts, memory forensics experts possess an almost supernatural ability to extract evidence.

The team’s prowess in memory forensics has garnered collaborations with state and federal agencies, as well as leading security and defense organizations, such as the National Security Agency, U.S. Secret Service, Louisiana State Police, and Louisiana National Guard. LSU’s recent recognition as a Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Operations by the National Security Agency highlights the importance of their ability to teach hands-on memory forensics.

Golden Richard, a professor in the Division of Computer Science and Engineering at LSU, emphasizes the challenges posed by modern cyber threats. He notes, “Malware and cyberattacks now routinely leave no traces on non-volatile data storage devices,” putting immense pressure on investigators trained in traditional forensic techniques.

The urgency to address these challenges comes in the wake of major hacks by foreign adversaries targeting the safety and security of the United States. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has mandated the use of memory forensics as part of incident response for affected agencies. However, the complexity of memory forensics poses accessibility and scalability issues for many agencies lacking user-friendly tools and a sufficient workforce. To tackle this, Richard’s project aims to make memory forensics more accessible. Integrating the Structured Threat Information Expression (STIX) language with the open-source Volatility Framework, the team envisions creating a more user-friendly and efficient toolset. This integration will enable investigators from diverse backgrounds to conduct accurate and efficient cyber operations.

The second project, led by Aisha Ali-Gombe, focuses on recovering code and reconstructing processes on Android devices, which command a 70 percent global market share. This initiative seeks to investigate illegal activities on Android smartphones, including cryptocurrency transactions and chat data between terrorists on encrypted social media platforms. Ali-Gombe explains, “Our framework will be able to reconstruct the execution path of a mobile application that clearly shows the most recent user activity, thus providing investigators with actionable evidence they can use in court.”

The collaborative efforts of both undergraduate and graduate LSU students contribute significantly to these research projects. Lauren Pace, a doctoral student, expresses excitement about impacting real investigations and speeding up information recovery. Meanwhile, Nicholas Tanet, a computer science senior, highlights his appreciation for the research process and newfound interest in memory analysis and reverse engineering.

In conclusion, LSU’s cybersecurity team emerges as a formidable force, seamlessly merging academic excellence with practical cybersecurity solutions. Their dedication to advancing memory forensics not only combats present threats but also positions LSU at the forefront of shaping the future of cybersecurity. As the digital landscape continually evolves, LSU remains a stalwart guardian, propelling the field forward with groundbreaking research and education initiatives.

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LSU’s Mission to Preserve Coastal Heritage

In the heart of Pointe-au-Chien, Louisiana, where the delicate land meets the Gulf of Mexico, the Pointe-au-Chien Indian Tribe (PACIT) faces the challenges of environmental threats, including storm surges that contribute to the rapid erosion of Terrebonne Bay. This historic settlement, established long before the arrival of Europeans, is not only one of Louisiana’s oldest but also one of the world’s most endangered areas. As per this article from Louisiana State University (LSU), the school has joined hands with PACIT since 2022, embarking on a mission to safeguard the tribe’s ancestral lands and coastal heritage through innovative nature-based solutions.

At the forefront of this crucial initiative for coastal heritage preservation is Matthew Bethel, the associate executive director of research at Louisiana Sea Grant. What started as a $100,000 planning grant has blossomed into a comprehensive $780,000 design project, thanks to the support from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Gulf Research Program. Bethel emphasized the importance of adopting a collaborative approach that integrates the Tribe’s perspective, drawing on traditional ecological knowledge and priorities. This holistic method, according to Bethel, can serve as a model for researchers addressing local issues in diverse communities.

Quoting Bethel, “The tribe tried and really liked the Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana’s oyster shell recycling project.” This innovative approach involves placing oyster shells in areas needing protection, functioning not only as shoreline defense systems but also nurturing the growth of baby oysters and supporting thriving fish and crab colonies.

The Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana (CRCL) is a key partner in this expanded project. Highlighting the success of a previous oyster shell living shoreline project, Bethel notes how it withstood the forces of Hurricane Ida, prompting the Tribe to seek more such projects for enhanced protection.

The planning process for this coastal heritage preservation unfolds through inclusive focus group meetings with Tribe members of different generations, subject matter experts, parish officials, and various regional groups. Daniel Burger, senior program manager of the Gulf Research Program’s Gulf Health and Resilience Board, underscores the significance of nature-based solutions in bolstering community resilience. He believes that involving community members in the planning and design stages enhances the effectiveness of projects addressing weather and climate hazards.

Cherie Matherne, a Tribe member and Cultural Heritage & Resiliency Coordinator, commends the project’s first phase for seamlessly combining new technology with tribal observations. She describes a meeting where researchers used software to pinpoint areas most in need of protection. This technology, previously utilized along the Florida coast,identifies vulnerable locations and recommends specific interventions based on the Tribe’s experiential knowledge.

As the land diminishes, fishing, crabbing, shrimping, and oysters remain the primary sources of income in Pointe-au-Chien. Yet, these activities are now endangered due to the dwindling habitats for reproduction. Matherne explains, “The erosion not only affects us not being able to live here in this bayou community, but many of the resident fishermen rely on that income to raise their families.” A team of dedicated researchers, including Niki Pace, Melissa Daigle, Earl Melancon, Julie Falgout, DeWitt Braud, and Haley Gambill from Louisiana Sea Grant, along with partners from the Pointe-au-Chien Indian Tribe, the Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana, and other universities, collaborates on this vital project.

Founded in 2013 as part of legal settlements following the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster, the National Academies’ Gulf Research Program allocates $500 million over 30 years to assist communities relying on the Gulf of Mexico. This substantial funding underscores the program’s commitment to supporting struggling communities and fostering sustainable solutions.

In conclusion, the collaboration between LSU and PACIT exemplifies a proactive approach to address the environmental challenges faced by coastal communities. Through innovative nature-based solutions, the project not only aims to protect ancestral lands but also serves as a beacon of community resilience and adaptive strategies.

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From Lab to Field: LSU’s Ambitious Project to Create Climate-Resilient Rice Variety

LSU Mechanical Engineering Professor Manas Gartia, and the LSU AgCenter have recently been awarded a significant $10 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture sector. According to this news release from Louisiana State University’s College of Engineering, this grant will be used to fund their collaborative effort in designing a new variety of rice that can thrive in drought conditions. The need for such a development arises from the fact that rice is a crucial staple food for more than half of the global population, and as rice production continues to increase, so does the demand for water.

Rice cultivation, particularly the conventional season-long flood irrigation method, contributes to several environmental issues, including the depletion of underground water tables, increased salinity in groundwater, air and water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. Professor Gartia emphasized that despite a 39% increase in land-use efficiency and reductions in water and energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and soil losses in U.S. rice production over the past four decades, there is still a need for more resource-efficient practices.

To address these concerns, the research team led by Professor Prasanta Subudhi from LSU’s AgCenter School of Plant, Environmental, and Soil Sciences will focus on two main hypotheses. The first hypothesis suggests that developing new rice varieties with better adaptation to climate variations, coupled with innovative crop management practices, can enhance the sustainability and profitability of rice production systems. The second hypothesis states that implementing educational and outreach extension programs will facilitate the adoption of a climate-resilient rice management system by current and future generations of rice growers in the Southern U.S.

Professor Gartia’s role in the project involves studying the phenotype and molecular changes in rice under various stresses, such as salt, drought, water, and heat. By identifying the genes responsible for the rice plant’s survival under drought conditions, the team aims to create a variety of rice with those specific traits. This will enable rice cultivation even in arid regions, reducing the reliance on water resources.

Gartia plans to utilize innovative metabolomic (NMR, LC-MS) and imaging (Raman microscopy) technologies to examine the leaf metabolic profiling in stress-tolerant plants. His objective is to establish a correlation between metabolite levels and stress tolerance in different rice genotypes under various stress conditions. By observing dynamic fluctuations in metabolite levels in real-time using Raman mapping, Gartia hopes to gain valuable insights into the stress response of rice plants.

Additionally, the team will employ techniques such as mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI) and mass spectrometry coupled with liquid chromatography (LC-MS) to analyze lipidomic profile changes in the leaves due to environmental stressors. These comprehensive methods will aid in characterizing the metabolomic profiles of rice lines exposed to drought and salinity stresses.

The outcome of this project will have significant implications for the rice industry, which is one of the largest sectors in both the United States and Louisiana. In 2022 alone, the U.S. produced over 150 million pounds of rice, solidifying its position as the world’s fifth-largest rice exporter. Louisiana, with its favorable warm climate, abundant water, and water-retaining clay soils, stands as the nation’s third-largest rice-producing state, trailing behind Arkansas and California.

This collaborative effort between LSU Mechanical Engineering Professor Manas Gartia and the LSU AgCenter has the potential to revolutionize rice production by creating a drought-resistant rice variety. By reducing the reliance on water resources and promoting more sustainable practices, this research aims to ensure a stable supply of rice for the ever-growing global population. In conclusion, the $10 million grant received by Professor Gartia and the LSU AgCenter will facilitate groundbreaking research in designing a new variety of rice that can withstand drought conditions. By combining innovative technologies and focusing on sustainability, this project has the potential to transform the rice industry, ensuring its resilience in the face of climate variability and environmental challenges.

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