Simplifying Success: Louisiana’s New K-12 Accountability Framework

In a significant move to elevate educational standards, the Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) has unveiled a comprehensive plan titled Grow.Achieve.Thrive, as per this news release from LDOE. This plan, approved by the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE), is set to transform the state’s K-12 accountability system starting from the 2025-26 academic year. The goal is to not only enhance academic success but also to place greater emphasis on career education, making it simpler for the public to assess school performance.

The Grow.Achieve.Thrive. initiative rests on three pivotal drivers: simplicity and transparency, high expectations, and a focus on career and college readiness. A hallmark of the new system is its simplicity and transparency, achieved through the implementation of a 100-point grading scale. This scale is designed to provide a clear and straightforward method for evaluating school performance, ensuring that stakeholders can easily interpret the results.

The plan sets higher academic expectations by raising the bar for student outcomes. The objective is to drive performance to unprecedented levels, pushing students to achieve greater academic success across all core subjects. Emphasizing career education and college preparation, the plan ensures that students are ready for the next steps after high school, whether that involves higher education, entering the workforce, or military service.

Dr. Cade Brumley, the Louisiana State Superintendent of Education, highlighted the dedication and effort behind the accountability plan. He emphasized that the revised system is the result of three years of concerted efforts aimed at elevating educational expectations. According to Brumley, this new system will not only drive performance to new heights but also offer the public a clearer understanding of school quality.

BESE President Ronnie Morris echoed this sentiment, noting that K-12 education in Louisiana is moving in a positive direction. He stated that the new, simplified standard for measuring school performance will bolster this momentum. By focusing on core skill development, academic growth, and work-based learning opportunities, the new accountability measures will strengthen Louisiana’s educational foundation and unlock meaningful opportunities for more students.

The name Grow.Achieve.Thrive. is derived from the three core student expectations: growth, achievement, and thriving beyond high school.

Grow: The ‘Grow’ component focuses on measuring the number of students who show academic growth in math and English each year. Special attention is given to the lowest-achieving students and those learning English, ensuring they receive the necessary support to progress.

Achieve: Under ‘Achieve,’ schools are evaluated based on the number of students who achieve proficiency in math, English, science, and social studies. This component underscores the importance of a well-rounded education in core academic subjects.

Thrive: The ‘Thrive’ aspect measures high schools by the number of students graduating on time, demonstrating readiness on nationally recognized exams, and preparing for future endeavors by earning college credits or high-value career credentials coupled with work experience.

The Grow.Achieve.Thrive. plan will be fully implemented in the 2025-26 school year. However, to prepare schools and systems for this transition, simulated scores will be provided for the 2023-24 and 2024-25 academic years. This approach allows schools to adapt to the new system and make necessary adjustments ahead of its official launch.

Louisiana’s Accountability Scorecard will play a crucial role in this new system, incorporating foundational elements essential to student success. These elements will be averaged to produce a comprehensive score for each school and system, reflecting their performance across multiple dimensions.

The Grow.Achieve.Thrive. plan marks a significant step forward for Louisiana’s educational system. By setting higher expectations and focusing on transparency, academic growth, and career readiness, the state is laying a strong foundation for future success. This initiative promises to provide students with the skills and opportunities they need to excel in their academic and professional lives.

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University View Academy Leap into Learning Pods

University View Academy, Louisiana’s largest school, embarked on a groundbreaking initiative by venturing into the realm of learning pods after conducting 13 years of exclusively online education, as per this article from The Advocate. This strategic shift positioned UVA as the third charter school operator in the state to openly embrace this innovative concept. Learning pods, characterized by smaller, personalized settings that blend online and face-to-face instruction, have gained momentum among charter schools in Louisiana, offering a viable solution to extend educational access beyond traditional geographic boundaries.

Dr. Quentina Timoll, the superintendent of University View, emphasized the institution’s commitment to adaptability and responsiveness to the evolving needs of students and the community at large. With approval to accommodate up to 4,000 students, UVA aims to establish specialized pods tailored to address specific educational gaps and preferences within different localities. The decision to adopt learning pods was also driven by financial considerations. Unlike virtual charter schools, which receive only 90% of public funding, students in learning pods are entitled to 100%, making it a more financially sustainable model for UVA.

The inception of learning pods traces back to Charter Schools USA, the leading charter school network in Louisiana, which spearheaded the concept and advocated for its legislative endorsement in 2021. However, the emergence of learning pods prompted regulatory scrutiny, as evidenced by a critical audit conducted by TenSquare, prompting policymakers to refine regulations governing these alternative educational models.

Despite the challenges and complexities associated with this transition, University View Academy remains steadfast in its commitment to innovation and expansion. Timoll highlighted the imperative of continuous adaptation to sustain relevance in an increasingly competitive educational landscape, characterized by the proliferation of alternative schooling options such as education savings accounts.

The genesis of UVA’s pod initiative stemmed from grassroots demands, with parents seeking a more cohesive educational experience for their children. Through meticulous planning and stakeholder engagement, UVA aspires to offer specialized pods catering to diverse interests, ranging from aquaponics to music, thereby enriching the educational experience for students.

As University View Academy embarks on this transformative journey, it views the pod initiative as a pilot program aimed at refining future expansion endeavors. Timoll emphasized the pivotal role of innovation in navigating the evolving educational terrain, underscoring the imperative of staying attuned to shifting paradigms and emerging competition.

The collaborative efforts of parents, students, teachers, and community stakeholders underscore the inclusive nature of UVA’s pod initiative. By soliciting input from various stakeholders, UVA ensures that its educational offerings are not only relevant but also responsive to the diverse interests and aspirations of its student body.

As University View Academy embarks on this transformative journey, it remains guided by a steadfast commitment to innovation and excellence. Through ongoing refinement and evaluation, UVA seeks to optimize its pod initiative to maximize educational outcomes and enhance student experiences. Quentina Timoll’s leadership underscores the institution’s proactive stance towards innovation and adaptability. With the flexibility to accommodate up to 4,000 students, UVA is well-positioned to establish specialized pods tailored to address specific educational demands and preferences within different localities across Louisiana.

In essence, University View Academy’s embrace of learning pods signifies a bold step towards redefining the future of education in Louisiana. By fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration, UVA sets a precedent for educational institutions nationwide, demonstrating the transformative power of adaptability and vision in shaping the educational landscape of tomorrow.

In conclusion, University View Academy’s foray into learning pods signifies a paradigm shift in education, marked by adaptability, innovation, and responsiveness to evolving societal needs. As the institution charts its course towards future growth and renewal, it remains poised to navigate the dynamic landscape of education with resilience and foresight.

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Unlocking Success: Louisiana’s Bold Steps in Early Literacy

Louisiana has proudly ascended to the pinnacle of a national ranking, standing tall as a beacon of excellence in early literacy policies, as per this news release from the Louisiana Department of Education. According to the recently unveiled Early Literacy Matters resource by ExcelinEd, Louisiana finds itself in an elite group of states, standing shoulder to shoulder with Arkansas and North Carolina, as the only trio to have fervently embraced all 18 of ExcelinEd’s early literacy fundamental principles.

Dr. Cade Brumley, Louisiana State Superintendent of Education, expressed his satisfaction at the state’s achievements, remarking, “I was intentional about calling out our state’s literacy crisis early in my tenure and am pleased to see Louisiana leading the way with common sense reading reforms.” Dr. Brumley commended the concerted efforts of policymakers, educators, and parents, highlighting their crucial role in ensuring Louisiana studentsreap the benefits of these bold educational reforms.

The 18 early literacy fundamental principles underscore a comprehensive approach, encompassing policies for early identification, family engagement, teacher training and support, as well as intensive reading intervention. These principles serve as a robust foundation to equip students with the essential reading skills vital for their learning journey, graduation, and future success.

Among the noteworthy aspects of Louisiana’s commitment to literacy, the state mandates that all K–3 teachers undergo science of reading training. Additionally, a universal reading screener for K–3 students, parental notification for those identified with reading difficulties, elimination of three-cueing systems, and individualized reading plans for students with reading deficiencies are integral components of the state’s comprehensive literacy plan. Louisianastands out for monitoring students’ progress within a multi-tiered system of support and targeting their needs through evidence-based interventions grounded in the science of reading.

Joining the ranks of Louisiana, Arkansas, and North Carolina, Mississippi and Florida trail closely behind with a score of 17 out of 18, while Texas achieved a commendable 10 out of 18.

Deputy Superintendent Dr. Jenna Chiasson emphasized the need for sustained dedication and innovation, recognizing that progress in early literacy requires continuous effort. The results, she noted, reflect the positive impact of Louisiana’s commitment to early literacy, with advancements apparent both in classrooms and legislative initiatives.

Louisiana’s strides in literacy are evident in the Education Recovery Scorecard, revealing that the state is among the select few where average reading achievement in 2023 surpassed 2019 levels. Furthermore, Louisiana’s 4th graders soared to the top spot nationally for reading growth on The Nation’s Report Card, showcasing the effectiveness of the statewide initiative. Economically disadvantaged 4th graders in Louisiana demonstrated a remarkable improvement, moving from 42nd to 11th overall for reading proficiency between 2019 and 2022.

The Early Literacy Matters resource emerges as a crucial educational tool, addressing the paramount issue of learning to read. This pioneering website offers a 50-state literacy map, presenting a comprehensive overview of each state’s adoption of early literacy fundamentals. It not only serves as a legislative compass but also delves into states’ implementation strategies, providing insights into how they are enhancing literacy outcomes and narrowing learning gaps.

ExcelinEd, the driving force behind this initiative, remains committed to supporting state leaders in transforming education. Their focus on educational quality, innovation, and opportunity, both within and outside the traditional system, positions them as advocates for a broad range of student-centered policies.

In conclusion, Louisiana’s position at the forefront of the national list for its comprehensive literacy policy reflects a commendable commitment to fostering early literacy skills. The state’s success story offers valuable lessons for educators, policymakers, and parents nationwide. As we celebrate these achievements, it becomes essential to understand the core concepts that underpin effective early literacy policies.

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Strengthening School Security: LDOE’s Stronger Connections Grant

The Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) is taking significant steps to ensure the safety of students and teachers in schools across the state through its Stronger Connections Grant program. As per this news release from LDOE and with an investment of over $21 million, the LDOE aims to reinforce single-points of entry, creating a more secure environment within school campuses. The program allocations for the grants were recently approved by the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) for 39 traditional public and public charter systems.

State Superintendent Dr. Cade Brumley emphasized the multifaceted nature of school safety, stating, “School safety is multifaceted and a way of life.” He expressed satisfaction with the proposals submitted and highlighted the importance of bolstering security measures at local campuses. In total, BESE approved $20,215,845 for the 39 school systems, with each system receiving $518,355. The funding for this initiative comes from the federal Bipartisan Safer Communities Act of 2022, which allocates $1 billion for states to enhance safety measures.

One of the key components of school safety emphasized by experts is access control, particularly the implementation of a single-point of entry or locked entry points. This best practice is widely supported and can be achieved through various means, such as installing surveillance cameras, metal detectors, or other physical security equipment. It may also involve minor remodeling to enhance security at the designated entry point. The LDOE encourages school systems to actively seek feedback from educators, parents, and the community to ensure comprehensive school safety measures.

Dr. Holly Boffy, President of BESE, highlighted the significance of the Stronger Connections Grant program in directly assisting school systems in improving the security of K-12 campuses. She emphasized the need for systems to reinforce the security of their facilities, particularly in the current climate, and acknowledged the state’s allocation of federal funds as a crucial step towards creating a safe and secure environment for students and school employees.

This recent announcement reflects the ongoing efforts of the LDOE to enhance school safety. It precedes the second annual Louisiana School Safety Summit, scheduled to take place on June 15 at the Raising Cane’s River Center in Baton Rouge. The summit serves as a platform for approximately 800 educators and first responders to collaborate on strategies for ensuring student safety.

In October 2022, the LDOE announced a partnership with Crimestoppers GNO to facilitate the prevention of acts of violence at school. This partnership introduced an anonymous reporting app, making it easier for students, educators, and families to report potential threats or concerns. Dr. Brumley was also recognized for his commitment to student safety and prevention, receiving the Award of Excellence in Student Safety & Prevention from Crimestoppers GNOduring their 38th Annual Awards Luncheon in New Orleans.

Ensuring that schools have a single point of entry is of utmost importance for the safety and security of students and teachers. By committing to this practice, a state’s Department of Education demonstrates a proactive approach to mitigating potential security threats. A single point of entry serves as a strategic measure to control access and monitor individuals entering the school premises, effectively reducing the risk of unauthorized entry or intruders.

The Louisiana Department of Education’s Stronger Connections Grant program exemplifies the state’s dedication to safeguarding its educational institutions. By investing in access control and reinforcing single-points of entry, the LDOE is taking proactive measures to enhance the safety of students and teachers. These efforts, in conjunction with collaborative initiatives such as the Louisiana School Safety Summit and the partnership with Crimestoppers GNO, demonstrate the commitment of the LDOE to fostering a secure learning environment for all.

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Louisiana Farm to School Program Provides Knowledge and Resources

A Louisiana Farm To School program from the LSU AgCenter has been promoting school gardening practices, gardening education, and local food procurement to Louisiana students and educators, and it’s set to expand its operations. According to this article from The Advocate. Since 2017, the program, Seeds to Success, which is funded by the United States Department of Agriculture through the Louisiana Department of Education, is set to provide expert training of agricultural literacy and knowledge to both students and teachers.

Today, 981 schools throughout Louisiana are participating in the Seeds to Success program, meaning that over a half a million students are being reached by the program and its benefits. In addition to this participation rate, nearly 70% of the participating schools are serving food that is locally or regionally sourced. Additionally, 52.9% of the schools are providing food, nutrition, or agricultural education to their students, and 36.5% of the schools have their own edible gardens on campus.

Crystal Besse is the Program Director of the farm to school program, Seeds to Success, and she describes one of the design aims of the program by saying, “Seeds to Success is designed to increase access to fresh, local foods while strengthening local communities and their economy.” Carl Motsenbocker is the program’s executive director, and when describing how the program is operating at this time of year, he said, “it’s like I’m busier than I’ve ever been. It’s like … isn’t it time to slow down a little bit? But there’s just so much work to do, and that’s been a great thing for us.”

Motsenbocker began the Seeds to Success program after years of recognizing that there was a growing need in the state for more widespread, healthy eating practices. Motsenbocker had also worked on a similar program at Slow Food Baton Rouge; the program involved school gardens growing seasonal produce. Slow Food Baton Rouge eventually led to the founding of Seeds to Success. In describing the origins of the idea, Motsenbocker said, “I started back in the 1990s doing service projects and putting in gardens at schools, working with kids growing food. I realized we needed to start younger, that we’ve got to get the kids when they’re little to eat better fruits and vegetables. They’re supposed to be eating five servings a day, but the average American eats barely one.”

At Seeds to Success, they boast of a plethora of programs, although it is worth mentioning the two main ones that have captured their current attention. It is impossible to overlook the Louisiana Harvest of the Month program, which meticulously showcases a myriad of Louisiana crops that can be locally and seasonally grown. The program is renowned for its superb high-quality videos that have been produced by the local PBS affiliate LPB. The videos cover a wide range of topics, from crawfish to rice, and ingeniously demonstrate the symbiotic relationship between the two crops. The program also offers a rich assortment of resources on how to grow and cook these crops to perfection. Another notable program that has taken center stage is Seeding LA, which was launched in 2021. During its inception, Seeding LA generously distributed more than 1,600 seed packets to various Louisiana schools, and in addition, over 1,000 seed starter kits were also distributed to deserving teachers.

At Seeds to Success, their farm to school endeavors are not solely concentrated on students. A significant portion of the program is geared towards farmers, with the aim of assisting them in expanding their reach and selling their products to a broader range of institutions, such as schools and hospitals. Through this program, not only does it promote healthy eating habits, but it also creates a substantial economic stimulus, making it a win-win for everyone involved. By providing the necessary resources and support, Seeds to Success helps farmers maximize their potential and develop sustainable business models, which in turn helps boost the local economy while providing nutritious food options to communities.

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Louisiana’s Statewide School Performance Scores Released

Recently, the 2021-22 School Performance Scores for the state’s public K-12 schools were released by the Louisiana Department of Education, according to this brief by LDOE. The results indicated that students are continuing to recover academically from the unprecedented school disruptions that were caused by the pandemic and multiple hurricanes.

The released 2021-2022 School Performance Scores showed that Louisiana’s statewide School Performance Score is the same as it was before the pandemic. Both in 2019 and 2022, Louisiana’s SPScore was 77.1. This is a 1.8 marginal increase from a simulated score of 75.3 that was generated for 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The released performance data can be viewed on the LDOE website, and SPScores will be available on the Louisiana School and Center Finder by the end of 2022.

This year, 48 of the 63 traditional public school systems included in the released 2021-2022 School Performance Scores showed improvement from the 2021 data to 2022. The issued scores also indicated that 30 Louisiana school systems had either equaled or improved their school performance score in 2022 when compared to 2019.

Louisiana State Superintendent Cade Brumley commented on the state’s scores by saying: “Returning our statewide performance score to its pre-pandemic level is reason to be thankful, but we have a long way to go for Louisiana’s children. We must continue to act with urgency to provide even better outcomes moving forward – that’s the challenge we must meet.”

Since 1999, Louisiana has issued School Performance Scores (SPScores) to its public schools; these scores are based on student achievement data. Additionally, in order to better communicate the quality of a school’s performance with families and the larger public, Louisiana adopted a letter grade system (A-F).

State Superintendent Cade Brumley commented that the increase in mastery rates for English, math, and science in grades three through eight on the 21-22 LEAP Assessments was a contributor to the improved statewide performance. He said, “we saw a 3% increase in mastery rates in English, a 3% increase in math and we saw a 2% increase in our mastery rates for science. So, that increase in proficiency certainly led to improved school performance across the state.”

Generally speaking, Louisiana has avoided some portion of the devastating learning loss that schools and districts nationwide have experienced as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The maintaining of pre-pandemic SPScores is made even more notable due to the fact that over the past two years, Louisiana has been catastrophically impacted by six hurricanes, with two being among the strongest in the state’s history.

Since last year, the 2021-2022 SPScore showed several measures of performance increases that included measures from ACT results, dropout data, state assessments, and expanded school interests and opportunities measures. In fact, this is the first time that the interests and opportunities indicator has been used to measure schools in official SPScores.

The new interests and opportunities indicator, which accounts for 5% of the SPScore formula, was originally approved by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) in 2018 and implemented in the 2019-20 school year. The interests and opportunities indicator measures whether schools are providing their students with access to a well-rounded education. In this case, a well-rounded education would expose students to a wide array of learning activities.

Looking forward to the remainder of the 2022-2023 school year, the state superintendent said, “we have to focus on staying on course with literacy efforts, refreshing math, transforming our high schools, and continue to give parents the options of education for their kids. I believe that if we do those things, we will continue to see improvements across the state of Louisiana.”

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