Bayou Community Foundation Addressing Critical Needs in the Bayou

On a significant day for the Bayou community, the Bayou Community Foundation (BCF) awarded a total of $358,000 in grants to 30 nonprofit organizations. This milestone marks the largest amount ever granted by the foundation in the 12-year history of its Annual Nonprofit Grants Program, as per this news article from Houma Today. The funding is intended to address critical needs such as hunger, homelessness, and mental health care in the Lafourche, Terrebonne, and Grand Isle areas. This latest disbursement brings the BCF’s total investment in essential community programs and hurricane recovery efforts to over $12 million since 2013.

At the award ceremony, President Henry Lafont expressed the Bayou Community Foundation’s deep appreciation for the local nonprofits that tirelessly work to support the most vulnerable members of the community. He emphasized the compassion and resilience displayed by these organizations, which serve as the backbone of the unique Bayou community. Lafont noted that this year’s grants, amounting to $358,000, were made possible through the extraordinary generosity of BCF’s donors. He described the event as a celebration of the community’s collective effort to uplift those in need.

The grants awarded by the Bayou Community Foundation in 2024 support a range of vital nonprofit programs. These initiatives include feeding the hungry, providing shelter for the homeless, and offering low-cost or free counseling and addiction treatment services to under-resourced individuals. The funding also addresses other urgent needs identified in the foundation’s 2023 Community Needs Assessment. Specifically, the grants support educational and training opportunities for underserved populations in rural areas, financial assistance to help low-income residents with utility and housing expenses, community gardens that supply fresh vegetables to those in need, and water safety education to prevent drownings in the region’s bayou communities.

One of the foundation’s key priorities this year has been addressing the growing issue of food insecurity in Lafourche, Terrebonne, and Grand Isle. Consequently, 40% of the awarded funds were allocated to support food distribution efforts at local food banks and pantries. The largest grant of $40,000 was given to the TCU Food Bank, enabling it to purchase and distribute food to thousands of individuals, including children, in Terrebonne and Lafourche parishes. Daisy Cheramie, Executive Director of the TCU Food Bank, highlighted the increasing prevalence of hunger in the area, particularly among the working poor. She noted that the food bank served 31,000 people last year and is on track to assist 36,000 individuals this year. Cheramie expressed her gratitude to the BCF, stating that the generous grant would significantly expand their capacity to feed more people in need.

The success of Bayou Community Foundation’s grants program relies heavily on the support of various donors. These include major contributors like The Gheens Foundation, Woodside Energy, Chevron, and the Callais Family Fund, as well as numerous local individuals, families, and businesses. These donors share a passion for enhancing the quality of life for local residents and strengthening the community as a whole.

Similarly, Leah Brown, Public Affairs Manager for Chevron’s Gulf of Mexico Business Unit, affirmed Chevron’s dedication to giving back to the communities where its employees live and work. She commended the BCF for its mission to build and sustain the Lafourche, Terrebonne, and Grand Isle areas. Brown expressed anticipation for the positive impacts these grants will have in the near future and expressed a desire to continue working together to achieve common goals.

The grants were awarded during a ceremony held at Fletcher Technical Community College in Schriever, where representatives from the 30 nonprofit organizations gathered to receive their grants. Among the grantees were a wide range of programs, from those providing direct aid like the 32nd JDC Family Preservation Court and Bags of Hope, to those offering educational and developmental support like Fletcher Technical Community College and Wallace Community Center. Each organization plays a crucial role in addressing the multifaceted needs of the Bayou community.

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Nicholls Recognizes Recipients of Grants at Spring 2023 Convocation

Nicholls State University recently held its Spring 2023 Convocation in order to recognize grant winners, faculty, and staff for their hard work throughout the 2022 academic school year. At the  Spring 2023 Convocation, Nicholls recognized the top 10 grants award winners for the funding they had received in 2022, according to this news release from the school.

The Spring 2023 Convocation opened with opening remarks from Nicholls President Dr. Jay Clune and Dr. Sue Westbrook, who is the Nicholls State University Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. University President Dr. Jay Clune spoke about his outlook for the Spring 2023 semester by saying, “this semester, we look forward to not only changing the lives of the students we teach, mentor, and care for today but the lives of their children and the generations that will follow them.”

The ceremony awarded the ten faculty and staff members who received the most grant money for 2022. When collectively added together, these ten grant recipients represented over $8 million in grant awards for both programmatic support and research.

Nicholls State University awarded the following for being the top ten grant recipients for the funding they received in 2022: Dr. John Lajaunie (Bayou Region Incubator), Dr. John Doucet (Nicholls Coastal Center and College of Sciences and Technology), Zerica Washington (Nicholls Family Service Center), Dr. Jonathan Willis (Nicholls Department of Biological Sciences), Katie Lasserre (Little Colonels Academy), Dr. Balaji Ramachandran (Nicholls Department of Applied Sciences), Dr. Kimberly Reynolds (Department of Psychology and Louisiana Child Welfare Training Academy), Dr. Allyse Ferrara (Department of Biological Sciences), Dr. Darcey Wayment (Department of Chemistry), and Gina Bergeron (Nicholls Family Service Center).

Debi Benoit is the Director of Research and Sponsored Programs at Nicholls, and she spoke about the top ten grant award winners by saying, “rigorous academic research and creative scholarship is time-consuming, requires great attention to detail, strong adherence to the standards and principles of your discipline, and takes substantial persistence to complete. For that reason, Nicholls has initiated the annual Grantsmanship Award as a means to celebrate and recognize ten outstanding faculty or staff who obtained the largest funding in the past year. This year’s 10 recipients represent over $8 million in awards for both research and programmatic support.”

The grants awarded by Nicholls State University were made possible by direct support from alumni, private foundations, parents, corporations, and organizations; additionally, the grant funds are allocated by Nicholls’s Office of University Development. In order to provide financial support for Nicholls State University, The Office of University Development plans and executes annual fund campaigns, capital campaigns, endowments, planned giving initiatives, and other types of fund-raising activities.

Nicholls’s Spring 2023 Convocation also saw five professors and assistant professors awarded the Academic Affairs Award for Teaching Excellence. These five awardees were: Dr. John Lajaunie, Dr. Chantrelle Varnado-Johnson, Dr. Jason Ladd, Mrs. Jeanne Chaisson, and Dr. Himanshu Verma.

Additionally, the Student Affairs “Apple” Awards were given out to five staff members. These awards were for “Outstanding Faculty Advisor of a Student Organization,” “Outstanding Faculty Mentor,” “Outstanding Faculty Support for Student Activities,” and “Outstanding Faculty Merit Award.”

The ceremony also featured the introduction of a new program that is designed to help Nicholls State Universitysupport its students, communicate important information throughout the school year, and answer student questions. Renee Hicks, Assistant Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness, Access, and Success, announced the implementation of Nicholls State University + EdSights. The program was described as being “available to students 24/7 to answer any questions about Nicholls. The program can help the university support students, answer their questions and communicate important information throughout the school year creating an avenue for student feedback and a virtual community.”

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Louisiana Students Rank Highest on FAFSA Completion

Once again, the National College Attainment Network (NCAN) has determined that Louisiana holds the top spot in the nation for the amount of high school seniors who have completed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), according to the Louisiana Department of Education.

FAFSA is a free application that provides the federal government with the financial information needed to determine what loans and grants a student qualifies for. It’s the only way a student can receive federal funding. Included in the FAFSA are all forms of financial aid provided by the federal government, like Pell grants, federal student loans, and work-study programs. Louisiana graduates wishing to receive priority consideration for the Taylor Opportunity Program for Students (TOPS) scholarships must also complete the FAFSA. Aside from this, many colleges and states, and even private financial aid providers, use the information from FAFSA to determine eligibility for aid.

Despite how important the FAFSA is, an analysis of federal student aid data conducted by the National College Access Network (NCAN) estimates that over $3.75 billion of federal aid was left unclaimed by the high school class of 2021 across the nation, which is a direct result of not completing the FAFSA. NCAN estimates that 813,000 of the 1.7 million students who didn’t submit the FAFSA would have been eligible for financial aid, in particular Pell grants, if they had only completed the application.

According to Bill DeBaun, NCAN’s director of data and evaluation, many students think college is out of reach because they can’t afford it. However, they may not realize how much federal aid they qualify for and they won’t unless they complete the FAFSA. “Requiring the FAFSA for high school graduation puts it more prominently on the radars of district and school practitioners, and also students and families; it’s a clear signal states are sending that FAFSA completion is important, and also that considering a postsecondary pathway is also important,” said DeBaun.

 In light of how important the FAFSA is, Louisiana was the first state to make completing the application a graduation requirement. Since making this change in the 2017-2018 academic year, several other states have done the same. In order to graduate, seniors must complete one of four forms: the FAFSA, an opt-out form, a waiver, or a state merit scholarship form that requires no information about family finances.

 A completed FAFSA application isn’t just important to students; the information gathered from them is used to determine a significant amount of postsecondary funding. Because of this, Louisiana’s Office of Student Financial Assistance (LOSFA) runs monthly error reports on submitted applications. The reports can identify missing information so that the office can notify students of the errors and can then help them to fix them.

To make filling out a tedious and boring form more “fun,” some Louisiana state officials have turned the completion of the FAFSA into a friendly competition among high schools.  The state has taken to providing FAFSA workshops and seminars and have even set up tables to fill out the forms at various social events, like sports tournaments. Every month, the school with the most FAFSA gains is announced and those students have bragging rights until the next month’s winner is determined.

Getting students excited about paperwork isn’t enough though, so Louisiana provided trained staffers to guide and support school counselors. Louisiana also sent state workers from the Department of Education and the Office of Student Financial Assistance to all corners of the state to help with any events that might increase the amount of applications completed. They also held virtual workshops via Zoom during the pandemic.

All of this hard work paid off when it was determined that 66.5 of Louisiana’s Class of 2022 had submitted the form, the highest percentage in the country. This was determined by NCAN, who uses a tracker to count applications that are fully completed and processed. More completed applications mean more financial aid reaching the students who need it most.

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