From Louisiana to Edinburgh: Nicholls State University’s Global Conservation Journey

In a grand ceremony held at the Biodiversity Ball at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh, the esteemed Lady Amelia Windsor presented the prestigious Golden Gorilla Award. This accolade was bestowed upon the dedicated faculty and students from Nicholls State University’s Department of Mass Communication, as per this news releasefrom Nicholls State University. The award was a testament to their remarkable global conservation efforts and innovative projects undertaken by the newly established Nancy Sanderson Matherne Institute for Global Communication.

The award recognized the team’s inaugural project, aptly titled “A Tale of Two Habitats.” This project was an ambitious endeavor aimed at drawing parallels between global conservation efforts, thereby fostering a broader dialogue about conservation on a global scale. Through their work, the team introduced the Cross River Gorilla Project, a UK-based charity dedicated to the protection of the critically endangered Cross River Gorillas in Cameroon, to an audience in South Louisiana.

The faculty and students involved in this groundbreaking campaign had the opportunity to travel to the United Kingdom to showcase their work. Their participation at the Biodiversity Ball provided a unique platform to present their findings and initiatives. This gala event brought together a diverse group of conservationists, activists, academics, and university students, all united by a common goal of reviewing and discussing conservation research. Among the notable participants were Students Against Species Extinction (SASE), a volunteer group comprising students from three countries across two continents. Students from various disciplines, including law, marine biology, zoology, media, and mass communication, represented Newcastle University, The University of Edinburgh, and Nicholls State University at the gala.

The Nancy Sanderson Matherne Institute for Global Communication at Nicholls State University serves as a vital link connecting the university to the broader global community. By providing a robust communication structure, the institute aims to benefit not only the local community but also the faculty, staff, and students of Nicholls State University. The institute’s establishment was made possible through the generous contributions of Dr. Brian Matherne, a physician from Houma, and his daughter, Kellie Daniels, who is a lecturer in public relations and corporate communications at Newcastle University in England. The institute is named in honor of Dr. Matherne’s mother, Nancy Sanderson Matherne, a native of the United Kingdom, a long-time resident of Terrebonne Parish, and the first female member of the Terrebonne Parish School Board.

Kellie Daniels, one of the founders of SASE and a board member of the Cross River Gorilla Project (CRGP), also serves as a communication consultant for the charity. Her involvement has been instrumental in bridging the gap between the conservation efforts in the UK and the awareness and support from South Louisiana.

The Department of Mass Communication at Nicholls State University is dedicated to equipping students with the skills and knowledge necessary for successful careers in various mass media industries. The department’s mission is to provide a comprehensive education that prepares students for professional roles requiring mass communication skills and to foster engaged and informed citizens. Faculty members are committed to helping students develop the professional competencies and ethical values essential for thriving in media-related fields. In addition to technical skills, students are encouraged to build a solid foundation of general knowledge and critical thinking abilities.

In summary, the recognition of Nicholls State University’s Nancy Sanderson Matherne Institute for Global Communication with the Golden Gorilla Award highlights the significant impact of their conservation initiatives. Through projects like “A Tale of Two Habitats” and partnerships with organizations like the Cross River Gorilla Project, the institute is making a meaningful contribution to global conservation efforts. The dedication and hard work of the faculty and students are a testament to the university’s commitment to fostering a culture of conservation and global awareness.

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Honoring Jeanne Picariello Murphy: A Legacy of Inclusion at Nicholls State University

In a heartfelt tribute to the late Jeanne Picariello Murphy, the former First Lady of Nicholls State University, an endowed professorship within the Bridge to Independence program has been established. This initiative was made possible through the collective efforts of Dr. Bruce Murphy, former Nicholls President, Colleen Hunter, and several dedicated supporters referred to as “friends of Bridge,” who together contributed $80,000, according to this news release from Nicholls State University.

The Nicholls Foundation, which oversees such endowments, requires the accumulation of a certain amount of interest before a professorship can be formally awarded. This process can span several years. However, with an additional contribution from Dr. Murphy, the professorship is set to be awarded in the fall of 2024. The honor will go to the current faculty advisor of the Bridge to Independence program, housed within the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences.

The tenure of Jeanne Picariello Murphy as the First Lady of Nicholls was marked by her deep commitment to students with intellectual disabilities. She actively sought opportunities for these students to participate in ceramics courses and athletic events, among other activities. Jeanne collaborated closely with Dr. Mary Breaud, a faculty member in education, and Robin Bell, the former director of Campus Disability Services. Together, they were pivotal in the establishment of the Bridge to Independence program and in bringing the Special Olympics to the Nicholls campus.

The creation of the Bridge to Independence program was a labor of love for Jeanne. She regularly hosted meetings at the president’s residence, where a dedicated group of 8 to 10 individuals, including Colleen Hunter, convened over a span of two years. Their efforts focused on writing grants and completing the application for the Comprehensive Transition Program certification, under which the program currently operates. Even after leaving Nicholls, Jeanne remained deeply involved. She continued to research and send weekly emails to enhance opportunities for Bridgestudents and to foster long-distance connections. The original group, bonded by their shared mission, continues to support the program and remains in close contact.

Colleen Hunter’s son exemplifies the success of the Bridge to Independence program. He is a two-time graduate of Nicholls, having earned degrees in Interdisciplinary Studies and Geomatics with the program’s support. Colleen, reflecting on Jeanne’s impact, shared that the idea of creating an endowed professorship was always a cherished goal among the original group. After Jeanne’s passing, Colleen and her late husband Bill felt compelled to contribute to this initiative. Dr. Mary Breaud recounted that during a conversation with Colleen and Bill after Jeanne’s memorial mass, they expressed their desire to honor Jeanne’s memory through this endowment.

The Bridge to Independence program serves students with intellectual disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorder. It offers two distinct pathways: a certificate pathway that focuses on independent living and workforce skills, and a support pathway for students pursuing a traditional college degree. Notably, the Nicholls Bridge to Independence program is the first of its kind in Louisiana to be certified by the U.S. Department of Education.

The Nicholls Foundation, an independent 501(c)3 corporation, plays a crucial role in supporting the mission of Nicholls State University. The foundation seeks gifts and grants, managing these funds and other assets to bolster the university through endowed chairs, professorships, scholarships, and other enhancement efforts. For those interested in contributing to Nicholls, more information is available at

This endowed professorship is more than just a tribute; it is a testament to Jeanne Picariello Murphy’s enduring legacy and her unwavering dedication to creating inclusive opportunities for all students. Her passion and hard work have left an indelible mark on the Nicholls community and will continue to inspire future generations.

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Nicholls State University Secures Two Cybersecurity Grants from Louisiana Board of Regents

Nicholls State University recently secured two cybersecurity grants funded by the Louisiana Cybersecurity Grant initiative, as per this news release from Nicholls State University.  This initiative, developed by the Louisiana Board of Regents, aimed to establish the Maritime Cybersecurity program at Nicholls State University and the Louisiana Cyber Academy. These programs are set to bolster the university’s efforts in producing a highly-skilled cybersecurity workforce.

Nicholls President, Jay Clune, PhD, emphasized the importance of both cybersecurity grants and the development by noting that the creation of a proficient cybersecurity workforce was crucial to addressing the regional, state, and national needs. He stated that these grants empower Nicholls to stay at the forefront of technological innovation and workforce readiness.

With the aid of the grant, Nicholls State University planned to develop a new curriculum focused on Maritime Cybersecurity. This curriculum would culminate in an 18-credit-hour Certificate in Maritime Cybersecurity, which could be earned by current students as part of their baccalaureate studies or by graduates seeking to reskill or enhance their skills. The funding would be utilized to support new instructors, technology, and program management.

Nicholls serves as a pivotal hub for the maritime industry, offering services to significant coastal ports involved in shipbuilding, seafood production, coastal restoration, and offshore service industries. The university would also house a new Coastal Center, dedicated to providing scientific and engineering solutions to adapt, protect, and restore Louisiana’s coastline. Additionally, Nicholls had been designated as the site for the new Universities of Louisiana Maritime Academy, designed to offer numerous educational pathways tailored to the workforce needs of Louisiana’s coastal and maritime sectors.

The National Maritime Cybersecurity Plan’s publication underscored the necessity of preparing the nation’s maritime infrastructure for cybersecurity threats. Louisiana’s extensive network of bayous and canals, connecting inland facilities to the coast, makes it a key player in U.S. maritime commerce. Developing a cyber-qualified maritime workforce in Louisiana not only enhances security but also boosts the local economy.

Dr. John Doucet, Nicholls’ Dean of the College of Sciences and Technology and the author of the maritime cybersecurity program, highlighted the significance of these cybersecurity grants and this achievement. He stated that the grants represented a significant victory for both the region and the university as they continue to expand programs vital to the local workforce.

In addition to the Maritime Cybersecurity program, Nicholls State University would partner with the Louisiana Cyber Academy (LCA), a statewide initiative aimed at developing and delivering essential cybersecurity education. This initiative addresses the growing need for cybersecurity talent and aims to expand the state’s cybersecurity workforce. The grant would establish the LCA as a central hub to co-develop and launch six online cybersecurity courses. These courses would lead to a Cybersecurity Fundamentals Certificate aligned with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

These courses could be integrated into existing degree programs at these institutions, significantly benefiting those with limited or no cybersecurity courses. The pilot year would involve testing and refining the process with the goal of enrolling 50 students. In subsequent years, the LCA would be open to all public postsecondary institutions in Louisiana.

In 2023, Louisiana’s public postsecondary institutions produced 357 graduates with degrees or concentrations in cybersecurity. However, with 4,500 unfilled cybersecurity jobs in Louisiana, this partnership aims to produce more qualified candidates to meet the state’s growing needs.

The College of Sciences and Technology at Nicholls offers programs leading to associate, bachelor’s, and master’s degrees, as well as undergraduate pre-professional programs preparing students for further education at other institutions. The college also provides general education coursework in the natural sciences for all university students. Faculty members are leaders in teaching, research, and service, engaging students in these activities to professionalize their skills and prepare them for life after graduation.

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A New Dawn in Early Learning: Nicholls State University’s Collaborative Efforts

Nicholls State University, in collaboration with the Parish of Ascension, celebrated a significant milestone on April 3 as they joined hands to unveil the West Ascension Early Learning Center in Donaldsonville. According to this news release from Nicholls, the occasion was marked by a grand opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony, attended by representatives from Nicholls and esteemed members of the community.

Over the years, Nicholls State University had forged a partnership with the Parish of Ascension, aiming to address a pressing need in the community – access to high-quality, affordable childcare. Recognizing the challenges families faced in accessing such services, they embarked on a journey to establish the Type III early learning center. This center aimed to not only provide childcare but also to lay the foundation for the holistic development of young minds, setting them on a path towards lifelong success and empowering families with opportunities previously beyond their reach.

Lacey Crochet, the Chief Innovation Officer at Nicholls, expressed her enthusiasm about the center’s inauguration, stating, “The opening of the West Ascension Early Learning Center marks the beginning of years of collaboration and investment in the education of children and the community of Donaldsonville. Access to early childhood education is a transformative experience that changes the fabric of communities, providing opportunities for economic and social benefits that will resonate for generations.”

Dr. Mistie Lasseigne, the Executive Director of Early Childhood Initiatives at Nicholls, emphasized the significance of the center in providing comprehensive support to families and residents within the community. She highlighted, “The establishment of the West Ascension Early Learning Center brings child care to the youngest of children within a framework that provides support, resources, workforce development, and guidance to the families and residents within the community.”

The collaborative effort between Nicholls and the Parish of Ascension ensured that the center would adhere to stringent guidelines set forth by esteemed organizations such as the National Association for the Education of Young Children and the Louisiana Early Learning and Development Standards. This ensured that the center’s programs and operational framework would be of the highest standard, nurturing young minds in an environment conducive to their growth and development.

Central to the success of the center were the professionals from Nicholls, who would oversee its day-to-day operations. From managing staffing and curricula to fostering external partnerships with early childhood agencies, they would ensure that the center remained at the forefront of early childhood education.

Nicholls State University’s commitment to early childhood education extended beyond the confines of the West Ascension Early Learning Center. Their Birth to Five/Early Interventionist Education undergraduate program stood as a testament to their dedication to nurturing young minds. By imparting key early-learning concepts and skills to practitioners, they aimed to shape the future of education in Louisiana and beyond.

The College of Education and Behavioral Sciences at Nicholls echoed this commitment, striving to produce highly qualified professionals equipped to meet the diverse needs of the community. Through rigorous curricula and hands-on experiences, they endeavored to mold reflective decision-makers who would make a positive impact in their respective fields.

In conclusion, the inauguration of the West Ascension Early Learning Center marked a significant milestone in the journey towards accessible and high-quality childcare in Donaldsonville. Through collaborative efforts and a shared vision for the future, Nicholls State University and the Parish of Ascension had laid the groundwork for a brighter tomorrow. This initiative not only addresses the immediate need for childcare but also sets a precedent for community-driven educational endeavors that prioritize the well-being and development of future generations.

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From Vision to Reality: Bayou Region Incubator Welcomes Generous Support at Grand Opening

The Bayou Region Incubator and the Student Entrepreneur and Innovation Center celebrated a momentous occasion at their grand opening event, as they were presented with over $110,000 in generous support from various sponsors, as per this news release from Nicholls State University.

Among them, Chevron’s contribution of $50,000 played a pivotal role in furnishing the common areas and offices, ensuring that the space is equipped with essential furniture, office equipment, internet services, and mentoring platforms. Lisa Kliebert, the Executive Director of the Bayou Region Incubator, expressed immense gratitude, noting that without Chevron’s contribution, furnishing the space would have been a significant challenge.

In addition to Chevron’s support, Mosaic also stepped up with a substantial contribution of $50,000. This contribution focused on promoting diversity and inclusion within the incubator community. It encompassed crucial aspects such as diversity and inclusion training, roundtable cohorts, and sponsorship for the BRI to become a member of the River Region Chamber of Commerce. This sponsorship enables businesses associated with the incubator to attend River Chamber events as guests, fostering networking and collaboration opportunities. Kliebert emphasized the transformative impact of Mosaic’s contribution, highlighting its potential to benefit up to 17 businesses through various membership offerings, ranging from private office space to virtual memberships.

Premier Food Group’s donation of $7,500 was directed towards the creation of essential areas within the incubator, such as the kitchen and break room. These spaces are integral for fostering a conducive work environment, where members can recharge and enhance their productivity without having to leave the premises. Moreover, Premier Food Group has pledged to volunteer their time and expertise to conduct multiple training sessions at the BRI, further enriching the support ecosystem provided by the incubator.

Furthermore, Susanna Lamers, CEO of BioInfoExperts, contributed $3,300 to sponsor a Dedicated Desk membershipfor a full year. This sponsorship underscores the community’s commitment to supporting aspiring entrepreneurs on their journey towards success. To ensure transparency and accessibility, applications for all sponsored memberships or vouchers will be made available on the BRI website and social media platforms.

Reflecting on the significance of these contributions, Lisa Kliebert remarked, “The grand opening of this business incubator signifies the beginning of a powerful regional resource, fueled by the unwavering support of our sponsors. Chevron, Mosaic, Premier, and BioInfoExperts have fueled the Bayou Region Incubator to ignite movement – a movement dedicated to fostering innovation, launching dreams, and propelling the economic engine of our entire region.”

Looking ahead, the Bayou Region Incubator is poised to become a vital hub for entrepreneurial activity in the region. With plans to accommodate approximately 40 to 50 startups and small businesses, the incubator will offer a wide range of amenities and resources. From collaborative workspaces and meeting areas to private offices and multifunctional conference rooms, the incubator is designed to meet the diverse needs of its members at every stage of their entrepreneurial journey. Moreover, the incubator will serve as a platform for learning and growth, offering access to trainings, guest speakers, networking opportunities, mentoring, workshops, pitch competitions, and professional development initiatives.

Central to the mission of the Bayou Region Incubator is the promotion of a diverse, sustainable, and inclusive economy in Louisiana’s coastal community. By investing in entrepreneurship and small business development, the incubator aims to address the challenges posed by the coastal crisis and contribute to economic vitality in the aftermath of the pandemic and ongoing environmental threats.

In conclusion, the grand opening of the Bayou Region Incubator marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter for entrepreneurship in the region. With unwavering support from sponsors like Chevron, Mosaic, Premier Food Group, and BioInfoExperts, the incubator is poised to become a beacon of innovation, collaboration, and economic growth in Louisiana’s coastal community.

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75 Years of Excellence: Nicholls State University’s Anniversary Gala

Nicholls State University recently geared up for a grand celebration as it prepared to host the much-anticipated 75th Anniversary Gala & Awards for Excellence on March 2, 2024. The festivities were scheduled to take place in the opulent Nicholls Cotillion Ballroom, commenced at 6 p.m., and promised an evening of glamor and philanthropy. According to this news release from the school, this noteworthy event, bedecked in black-tie finery, aimed to raise funds for the university’s general scholarship fund, thereby supporting the academic aspirations of future generations.

The gala kicked off with a patron social pre-event at 5:30 p.m., where attendees  indulged in the elegance of passed hors d’oeuvres and savor a specially crafted cocktail by Chef Norman Hunt. The main event followed, featuring a delightful cocktail hour and a sumptuous four-course dinner. Adding an air of excitement to the affair, were both silent and live auctions, offering attendees a chance to bid on exclusive items. The highlight of the evening was the presentation of the annual Nicholls Alumni Federation Awards for Excellence.

Paige Thomas, the Director of Alumni Affairs at Nicholls, expressed her enthusiasm for the gala, stating, “We are thrilled to announce the upcoming 75th Anniversary Gala and Awards for Excellence, a celebration of the incredible journey of Nicholls State University. This event holds special significance as it not only marks a milestone in our university’s history but also serves as a powerful opportunity to contribute to the general scholarship fund.”

Thomas emphasized the direct impact of participation, asserting that it will play a pivotal role in shaping the academic future of deserving scholars. The funds raised during the gala will contribute to the university’s general scholarship fund, providing crucial resources to support students in achieving their academic dreams. She extended a warm invitation, urging individuals to partake in an evening of fine dining, celebrating 75 years of academic excellence while honoring this year’s award recipients and ensuring the success of generations to come.

For those eager to enhance their gala experience in future years, patron social tickets were available at $250, offering additional perks such as passed hors d’oeuvres and a specialty cocktail. Individual tickets can also be purchased at $150. The event also presents sponsorship opportunities, ranging from $1,500 to $20,000, with benefits including ticket packages, reserved parking spots, promotional material visibility, end-zone tickets for Nicholls home football games, and more.

Participating in this event goes beyond a glamorous night out; it’s a commitment to ensuring the university’s continued ability to attract and retain outstanding students. The funds raised will contribute to annual scholarships, addressing unmet needs, and providing students with grants to attend academic conferences and competitions. Individuals looking to support Nicholls’ general scholarship fund and celebrate its outstanding alumni can purchase tickets at

The 75th Anniversary Gala & Awards for Excellence is part of a broader series of events planned by Nicholls to celebrate its 75th anniversary in the spring. To explore more about these celebrations, visit

It’s crucial to note that the Nicholls Foundation, operating as an independent 501(c)3 corporation, plays a pivotal role in supporting the university’s mission. It seeks gifts and grants while managing funds and assets to endorse Nicholls through endowed chairs, professorships, scholarships, and various enhancement efforts. Those interested in contributing to Nicholls can find more information at

In conclusion, the 75th Anniversary Gala & Awards for Excellence promised to be an enchanting evening filled with celebration and support for Nicholls State University. By participating in this event, individuals not only partake in the festivities but contribute to the longevity of academic excellence at the university.

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