36 Hours in Chattanooga, Tennessee

In about 9 hours, you could easily drive from Louisiana to Chattanooga, TN and spend a fun filled 36 hours. As stated in this recent article written by The New York Times, “Nestled against the Tennessee River in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, Chattanooga, Tenn., has transformed itself in recent decades from an unassuming town to a hyper clean, high-tech (“Gig City” was the first in the United States to offer gigabit internet speeds), outdoorsy family destination that offers hiking trails, rock climbing, museums, one of the finest educational aquariums in the world, and innumerable food and entertainment venues.”

So, if you are looking for an outdoorsy family weekend, Chattanooga is the place to go. Be sure to check out the article for endless tips and ideas of things to do.

Benny Cenac Towing Co. Sponsors TFAE Run

This article is also featured on cenac.com

The Benny Cenac Towing Company, Cenac Marine Services, was proud to provide a stage sponsorship for the Terrebonne Foundation for Academic Excellence (TFAE) 5k Run for Excellence and Food Fest on Saturday, May 12. As stated in the Houma Times, by executive director, Katie Potier, “This popular race travels through historic downtown Houma, ending at the Houma Courthouse Square where you can then enjoy the best after party in town. With more than 1000 race participants and more than 3000 attendees, the TFAE Run for Excellence is one of the largest 5K and after parties in town. One thing that makes it unique is that once you pay your admission fee (or race fee) you don’t take out another penny while here. It’s all-you-can-eat-and all –you-can-drink and I think people appreciate that it is all inclusive.”

Terrebonne Foundation for Academic Excellence (TFAE) began in 1991 as local leaders recognized the need to provide additional support to Terrebonne Parish public schools. TFAE, an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, was created to assist in fundamentally improving education for our local students. They believe that our future is in the hands of our children. Their purpose is threefold: to create a partnership of responsibility between educators, business, community organizations and parents; to stimulate the learning of our children so that they may become responsible citizens capable of competing in the global economy and; to provide educators with resources that encourage creativity in the classroom.

Since the inception, TFAE has awarded more than $1,000,000 grant dollars to Terrebonne Parish public school teachers. In 2012, TFAE expanded their efforts in promoting education and literacy in the Terrebonne community by implementing the Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. This program provides one age-appropriate book per month to Terrebonne Parish children until their fifth birthday and is free to all participants.

TFAE continues to support education through grants, the Imagination Library, Lending Libraries, as well as recognizing and honoring Distinguished Scholars and Inspirational Educators at their annual TFAE Celebrates Excellence event.

As an avid supporter and advocate for education, the Benny Cenac Towing Company has been a longtime supporter of TFAE and was thrilled to partner alongside other main sponsors for this event.  Other sponsors included TGMC Community Sports Institute, The Times, and Blue Cross Blue Shield- especially when it came to supporting such a noble cause. The Run for Excellence is the primary fundraiser for TFAE. The funds are used to help local educators fund their programs through grants. TFAE has become a valuable source for Terrebonne’s public schools– funding various projects including classrooms with Google Chromebooks.

There are several ways to get involved and to support the Terrebonne Foundation for Academic Excellence. Be on the lookout throughout the year for ways to help this phenomenal group including next year’s 5k run and food fest slated for May 11, 2019. Benny Cenac Towing is always on the lookout to be a part of these great community events that are also for a wonderful, charitable cause and they continue to be involved in or donate resources towards local education efforts.

For more information, or to make a donation, please visit the Terrebonne Foundation for Academic Excellence website.