A Winter Soup Recipe Perfect for Any Day

Looking for a comforting, hearty winter soup recipe? Look no further than this delicious Creamy Chicken and Wild Rice Soup from Epicurious. This classic comfort food is sure to warm you up on those shockingly cold winter days and leave everyone in the house satisfied. Read on for the full recipe and learn how to make it for yourself.

When it’s chilly outside and you’re in need of some comfort food, this creamy chicken and wild rice soup recipe is the perfect meal. It’s warm, hearty, and filling – everything you want in a winter soup. Plus, it’s easy to make and can be on the table in under an hour.

This soup starts with a simple base of chicken broth, onions, and celery. Then, you add in some shredded chicken breast for protein and diced carrots for sweetness and color. The wild rice gives the soup a nice earthy flavor and chewiness, while the milk and cream make it rich and creamy. Finally, we season it with salt, pepper, thyme, and parsley for flavor. One bite of this hearty soup and you’ll be hooked, as it’s the perfect way to warm up on a cold winter day.


  • 1 whole 3 ½ – 4 pound chicken
  • 4 cups of wild rice
  • 2 tablespoons of unsalted butter
  • 5 cups of heavy cream
  • 2 medium-sized leeks, roughly chopped
  • 1 fennel bulb and fronds, roughly chopped
  • 5 stalks of celery, roughly chopped
  • 3 medium yellow onions, roughly chopped
  • 1 large carrot, peeled and finely diced
  • 10 cloves of garlic, peeled and smashed
  • 5 sprigs of parsley, plus ¼ cup chopped
  • 2 sprigs of thyme
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 4 quarts of water
  • 2 tablespoons of fine sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper

Directions for Winter Soup

  1. You’ll want to begin this hearty soup recipe by making your own homemade chicken stock, allowing for the final product to be much richer than it would be if using store-bought chicken stock. Begin by grabbing a stock potand combining your whole chicken, water, 1 leek, ½ of a fennel bulb, 2 stalks of celery, 2 medium onions, 6 crushed garlic cloves, 2 sprigs of thyme, 5 sprigs of parsley, and 2 bay leaves in the pot. Cover, and bring your stock pot of ingredients over high heat. Once it’s boiling, you’ll uncover the pot, reduce the heat to a gentle simmer, and cook for 1 ½ hours.
  2. Remove your chicken stock from the heat and then remove the chicken from the pot, setting it aside. You’ll strain the liquid of the stock pot into another pot and discard your solids. Wait until the chicken is cool enough to handle and then shred the meat from the bones by using your hands. Receive this meat for the soup. Discard the skin and bones when finished.
  3. Begin the soup by taking a large soup pot and heating your butter over medium-high heat. Add your remaining fennel, celery, leek, onion, carrot, and garlic to the pot. You’ll then allow these vegetables to “sweat” until they’re soft and translucent, which should take about 3 to 4 minutes.
  4. Add your homemade chicken stock to the soup pot, and bring the contents to a boil. Once the pot is boiling, you’ll add your wild rice and salt, stirring to combine. Bring the soup to a simmer, cover the pot, and cook until the rice pods have opened. This should take about 25 to 30 minutes.
  5. After the wild rice pods have opened, you’ll add in your cream, chicken pieces, and black pepper. Bring the soup back up to a boil in order to combine flavors. Once it’s tasting to your liking, you’ll remove the pot from the heat and prepare to serve it.
  6. Divide the soup among bowls, garnish with parsley, and enjoy.


  • If you’re making your chicken stock ahead, you can refrigerate it for up to 4 days ahead of time or you can freeze it for up to 6 months.
  • Be sure that you take your time to simmer your soup gently so that the flavors have time to develop and meld together.
  • For a heartier soup, add some chopped potatoes. For a more veggie-packed soup, add in some frozen peas or corn. Not a fan of chicken? Swap it out for diced ham or cooked ground beef. Don’t have wild rice on hand? Use brown rice, white rice, or even quinoa.

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Holiday Recipe: Preparing a Perfect Turducken

If you’re looking for a change of pace for what to put on the dinner table this holiday season, why not try cooking a turducken for your best holiday recipe? A turducken is a turkey stuffed with a duck, which is in turn stuffed with a chicken. This dish is sure to impress your guests and have them talking long after the meal is over, and thanks to these solid turducken preparation tips from Louisiana Cookin, your next feast is sure to impress.

Reasons to Cook a Turducken

There are many reasons to consider cooking the holiday recipe, a turducken, this season. First, it’s a unique dish that will stand out from the traditional turkey dinner. Your guests will be intrigued by this unusual presentation, and they’ll be eager to try it. Second, turducken is extremely flavorful. The different meats complement each other, and the stuffing adds an extra layer of flavor and texture. This is sure to be a hit with even the pickiest eaters. Third, cooking a turducken is relatively easy, especially if you use a pre-made stuffing mix. And since it’s already stuffed, there’s no need to worry about making additional side dishes. Just add some roasted potatoes or vegetables, and you’ve got a complete meal. So if you’re looking for something different this Thanksgiving, give turducken a try. It’s sure to please everyone at the table!


When it comes to ensuring your turducken preparation is the best that it can be, thawing, basting, browning, and temperature-checking your turducken are extremely important cooking aspects to pay attention to.


It is important to thaw a turducken completely before cooking. Thawing a frozen turducken can be done one of two ways: in the refrigerator or in cold water. If you choose to thaw your turducken in the refrigerator, place it on a tray or in a pan to catch any drips and allow 24-48 hours for it to thaw completely. If you’re short on time, you can place your turducken in cold water, making sure to change the water every 30 minutes. Either way, it is vital that you give your thawed bird plenty of time to reach room temperature before cooking. So, after your turducken has thawed in the fridge, remove it from the packaging and allow it to come to room temperature. Allowing your turducken to stand at room temperature for a full hour before cooking will help it to cook evenly.


Basting is key to keeping your turducken moist while it cooks. You can use any type of fat or oil for basting, but we recommend using melted bacon drippings. Once your turducken has rested at room temperature for an hour you’ll generously brush the outside with your melted bacon drippings before cooking. Basting your turducken will help it brown nicely in the oven. Additionally, you can also put some foil over the breast area during the first hour or so of cooking to prevent it from getting too dark.


Browning is an important process for getting that perfect golden color for this holiday recipe and cooking it through, but a key way to ensure that your turducken doesn’t succumb to “over-browning” is to tuck its wings underneath it prior to placing it in the oven. By tucking the wings beneath the bird, you are ensuring that this thin part of the turducken is essentially safe from over-crisping.


Finally, cooking your turducken to the perfect temperature is essential. The internal temperature should be 165 degrees Fahrenheit when cooked through. The best way to know when your turkey is done is to use a meat thermometer. Insert it into the thickest part of the thigh, making sure not to touch bone, and cook until it registers at least 165 degrees Fahrenheit. Remove the turducken from the oven and let it rest for 20-30 minutes before carving. This will give the juices a chance to redistribute and make carving easier. Serve and enjoy!

Lastly, Louisiana Cookin provided a top-notch secret gravy recipe that makes good use of your turducken drippings.


  • ½ cup of turducken drippings
  • ½ cup of all-purpose flour
  • 1½ cups of chicken broth, divided
  • ½ teaspoon of ground black pepper


  1. Take a roasting pan or a large nonstick saucepan and heat your collected turducken drippings over medium high heat. While the drippings are heating, you’ll sprinkle your ½ cup of all-purpose flour over the droppings and whisk them together to combine.
  2. Cook this gravy by stirring the pan constantly for about 1 to 2 minutes, until it’s thickened. Then, add ½ cup of chicken broth to the pan, whisking to combine. Cook by stirring the pan constantly for another 1 to 2 minutes, until it’s thickened. Add your remaining cup of chicken broth and repeat the whisking steps.
  3. Finish the gravy off by adding your pepper and serve alongside your roasted turducken.
  4. Enjoy!

For more delicious holiday recipes, click here.

Reliably Delicious and Convenient Blackened Chicken Alfredo Recipe

Sometimes the easiest and more simplistic recipes are what’s best for any particular weeknight or last-minute meal. This is due to the fact that they are reliably convenient, delicious, and consistently a crowd-pleaser. The same can be said about Louisiana Cookin’s outstanding recipe for blackened chicken alfredo, as its simplicity doesn’t make concessions when it comes to flavor, seasoning, or taste.

Ingredients for Blackened Chicken Alfredo: 

  • 1 (16-ounce) package of fettuccine, cooked according to individual package directions
  • 3 boneless skinless chicken breasts (about 6- to 8-ounce each)
  • 2 tablespoons of blackened seasoning mix
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 2 cups of fresh cherry tomatoes
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped shallot
  • ½ teaspoon of finely chopped garlic
  • ¼ cup of dry white wine
  • 2 cups of heavy whipping cream
  • 1 cup of freshly-grated Parmesan cheese
  • 3 tablespoons of chopped fresh parsley, for garnish
  • ¼additional cup of freshly grated Parmesan cheese, for garnish

Directions for Blackened Chicken Alfredo:

  1. In order to start this recipe, you’re going to want to preheat your oven to 425°F. While your convection oven is preheating, take a baking sheet and line it with an inner layer of aluminum foil.
  2. Take your 3 boneless and skinless chicken breasts out of their packaging and sprinkle them each with your blackened seasoning mix. Either while wearing gloves or with carefully-washed hands, rub the blackened seasoning mix into the chicken breasts, ensuring to coat all sides.
  3. Then, in a large skillet, pour in your olive oil, and place this atop your stove burner. Turn the stove to medium-high heat, and heat your olive oil in the skillet while being sure to spread the oil throughout the pan. Once the oil is properly heated, add your seasoned chicken breasts into the hot oil and cook them until they are nicely seared. This should take no longer than 4 to 5 minutes per side. Be sure to flip them together and not multiple times, in order to secure a strong sear. Once they’re seared, remove the chicken from the skillet and transfer them to the prepared pan that you lined with foil from earlier.
  4. Place the pan into your 425°F oven for approximately 10 minutes. The idea here is to bake the chicken until they are firm and an instant-read thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the chicken breast registers at a safe internal temperature of 165°.
  5. Meanwhile, take the same skillet that you seared your chicken in from earlier and cook your tomatoes in it until they are slightly blistered and their skins have burst open. The process of blistering and bursting cherry tomatoes should take about 3 to 5 minutes maximum. Once the skins have burst, reduce the read of the stove burner to only medium, and add in your chopped shallot and finely chopped garlic. Continue to cook for an additional minute. Afterward, add in your ¼ cup of dry white cooking wine and use your cooking utensil such as a wooden cooking spoon to scrape the fond or browned bits from the bottom of the pan. Stir these bits into the white wine and vegetables and continue to cook the contents of the skillet for an additional 2 minutes.
  6. Afterward, stir in your heavy whipping cream and continue to cook until the contents of the skillet are thickened and bubbly. You can achieve this by stirring occasionally for approximately 8 to 10 minutes. Stir in your single cup of freshly-grated Parmesan cheese until it’s completely melted and well-combined. Next, add your fettuccine, which you cooked according to the package’s directions, into the skillet. Either using your wooden cooking spoon or tongs, toss the fettuccine with the cheesy mixture to fully coat the noodles.
  7. When you remove your chicken from the oven, slice each chicken breast in elongated strips or according to your particular preference and place them on top of the pasta. If desired, garnish the plates of this dish with fresh chopped parsley and freshly-grated Parmesan cheese to your liking.
  8. Enjoy your alfredo with your favorite side dish or just alone.

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New York Strip Steak Dinner Recipe

If you’re looking for a steakhouse-caliber dinner, but you don’t have the time or energy to get out of the house, then look no further than this recipe from The Kitchn for an excellently-prepared New York Strip Steak that’s served alongside seasoned green beans and blister tomatoes. This combination of flavors is sure to become a staple in your weeknight dinners.

While delicious, this recipe is also quite easy to prepare. It’s easy enough that even on a busy weeknight you can get a delicious steak dinner on the table in no time at all. Another perk of this recipe is that you’ll be using the same pan or cast-iron skillet that you cooked your New York strip steaks in when you cook your side dishes. This practice allows for the seasoning, smokiness, and flavored gristle to be transferred from entree to side dish seamlessly.


  • 2 boneless New York strip steaks (each about 12 ounces & 1 ¼-inch thick)
  • 8 ounces of green beans
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 pint of grape tomatoes or cherry tomatoes (approximately 10 ounces)
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • 1 teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 ½ teaspoon of kosher salt, divided


  1. You’ll want to begin this recipe by heating 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil in a large frying pan or a cast-iron skillet. Heat the vegetable oil on the stove over medium-high heat just until the oil is beginning to smoke. Meanwhile, pat your 2 New York strip steaks completely dry with paper towels. Be sure to eliminate as much moisture as possible and then season the strip steaks all over with 1 teaspoon of your kosher salt.
  2. Once the pan or skillet is smoking, add the steaks to the pan and reduce the heat to medium. Cook the strip steaks while flipping them every 2 minutes until the center of the steaks registers at 120ºF for medium-rare. This should take 9 to 14 minutes in total.
  3. While your strip steaks are cooking, you will want to take some kitchen scissors and trim the stems and ends off of your 8 ounces of green beans and your 2 garlic cloves.
  4. Once your steaks are ready, you will want to transfer them to separate plates or a clean cutting board. Top the steaks with a few grinds of the black pepper mill, if desired.
  5. Take the same pan or skillet that you took the steak out of and empty the 8 ounces of green beans and the pint of grape or cherry tomatoes into the pan. Season the green beans and tomatoes with your remaining ½ teaspoon of kosher salt from earlier and cook the contents of the pan over medium heat until the green beans are crisp and tender and the tomatoes are blistered in spots. This should take approximately 3-4 minutes, and you should be sure to stir the contents of the pan rarely throughout.
  6. After the tomatoes are blistered and the green beans are crisp and tender, add your garlic and cook the cloves until fragrant, about 30 seconds.
  7. Slice the steak, if desired, and serve the strip steak pieces alongside your green beans and tomatoes.


  • In order to ensure that your New York strip steaks are properly cooked on the stovetop, you should take special care to not only pat the steaks completely dry but also place them in an extremely hot pan. After the steaks hit the pan surface, you should immediately turn the heat down to medium and cook the steaks for 9-14 minutes while flipping them every two minutes. You do this so that the steaks develop a crust on both sides.
  • Leftovers of this meal can be refrigerated, as long as they are placed in an airtight container. They will keep for up to 4 days maximum.
  • Other side dishes that pair nicely with this recipe are soft, buttery dinner rolls, creamed corn, and baked potatoes.

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Dessert Recipe-Shortcakes with Grilled Peaches

It’s the height of summer. That means more time at cookouts, beach trips and picnics. How do you cool off after a day of fun in the sun? One option is to serve this delightful dessert recipe for grilled peaches shortbread from Louisiana Cookin. This delicious dish features a shortbread topped with grilled peaches, sweet fresh honey, and a dollop of sweetened whipped cream, making it a perfect treat for a hot summer afternoon.

Ingredients for Grilled Peaches and Shortcakes

Directions for Grilled Peaches and Shortcakes

  1. You’ll want to start this deliciously sweet recipe by preheating your oven to 400°F and lining a large baking sheet pan with parchment paper. Then, be sure to take your four medium peaches, peel them carefully, and discard the peels. Next, pit the four peaches, and then use a paring knife or another similarly small knife to cut them into 6 wedges each. Set your peaches aside for later.
  2. Then, in a large mixing bowl, you’ll want to pour your 2 cups of self-rising flour and 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar. Whisk the flour and sugar together carefully. Once they’re combined, you’ll want to add in your cubed butter by either using a pastry blender or by cutting into the butter cubes, flour, and sugar with two forks. Continue to mix until the mixture has a crumbly texture to it.
  3. Meanwhile, in a small mixing bowl, you’ll want to whisk together your single large egg, a grated teaspoon of fresh ginger, and ½ cup of whole buttermilk. Whisk these ingredients together, and then gradually add this buttermilk mixture to your dry ingredients in the larger mixing bowl. Stir everything only until everything is lightly moistened.
  4. Nearby, you’ll want to take a clean countertop or raised wooden cutting board in your kitchen and lightly flour itso that it’s ready for the dough. Take your recently-created dough, and gently knead it about 5 or 6 times. Then, roll it to about ½-inch thickness.
  5. You’ll then cut the dough using a 3-inch round cutter and if necessary, reroll the scraps. Place the shortbread dough about 2 inches apart on the parchment paper-lined sheet tray. Take your heavy whipping cream and a sauce brush and then gently brush the tops of each piece of dough with the cream. Then, sprinkle the tops with your turbinado sugar, set them into the oven on the middle rack, and bake them until they’re golden brown in coloration. This should only take about 14 minutes to bake.
  6. While the shortbread bakes in the oven, combine your honey and your 4 slices of peeled fresh ginger together. Once they’re mixed, cook them over low heat until the ingredients are warmed, about 10 minutes. Afterward, discard your ginger.
  7. One of the last stages in cooking this delectable dessert recipe is grilling your peaches, the figurative “cherries on top.” Begin this delicate process by preheating a grill to medium-high heat, which is approximately 350°F to 400°F. Afterward, spray your clean grill rack with nonflammable cooking spray. In a large mixing bowl, gently toss your peach wedges from earlier with your canola oil and place them onto the grill rack for about 3-4 minutes. You’ll want to grill the peaches until they are just heated through with grill marks formed on their exterior. Be sure to turn them occasionally throughout the grilling.
  8. Afterward, take all of your ingredients and serve them by placing a few grilled peach wedges atop the shortbread slices and topping them with fresh honey and whipped cream.
  9. Enjoy!

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Peppers Stuffed with Paneer and Spiced Tomato Sauce

If you’re looking for a savory, spicy, and vegetable-rich recipe that’s as lightweight as it is delicious, then look no further than this Paneer-Stuffed Peppers recipe from Epicurious. The sauce is accentuated by a smoky flavor from the seared paneer cheese and a spicy stick from the jalapeño, fresh ginger, ground coriander, and cumin and mustard seeds, making it the perfect summertime dinner staple.


  • 4 red or yellow bell peppers (with ribs and seeds removed), halved through the stem end
  • 2 6-ounce packages of paneer cheese
  • 1 15-ounce can of crushed red tomatoes
  • 1 medium onion, finely chopped
  • 6 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
  • 11-inch piece of ginger root, peeled and finely chopped
  • ½ jalapeño (with seeds removed), finely chopped
  • 1 bunch of cilantro (chopped), for serving
  • 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds
  • ½ teaspoon of mustard seeds
  • 2 teaspoons of ground coriander
  • ½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper
  • ½ teaspoon of ground turmeric
  • 3 tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil
  • Nonstick vegetable oil spray
  • 1¼ teaspoon of Morton kosher salt


  1. You’ll begin this recipe by making the savory, spiced tomato sauce. Start by heating your vegetable oil in a large Dutch oven or another heavy pot. Place your Dutch oven or heavy pot over medium heat. Once it’s properly heated, cook the paneer cheese in a single layer, undisturbed, until it’s golden brown underneath. This should only take approximately 2 minutes. After it’s golden brown, transfer the paneer to a medium bowl, let it cool slightly, and then crumble the paneer into bite-size pieces. Then, set this aside for later.
  2. Next, take your Dutch oven or heavy pot and add in your jalapeño, ginger, cumin seeds, onion, garlic, and mustard seeds. Cook them over a medium-heat while stirring often, and continue to cook them until the onion is softened and translucent, which should take only 5 minutes. At which point, add your turmeric, coriander, and cayenne pepper to the pot and continue to cook while stirring occasionally. Continue to cook these ingredients until they’re quite fragrant, which should take about 3 minutes. Still over medium heat, stir in your crushed red tomatoes, salt, and 1 cup of water. Bring the oven or pot to a simmer and then reduce the heat to low and stir in your reserved paneer cheese from earlier. Cover the pot with a lid and cook the sauce until it’s slightly thickened. Cook the sauce for about 15-20 minutes and stir occasionally throughout the cooking process.
  3. For your pepper assembly, place a rack in the middle of your oven, and preheat it to 400°F. While the oven is heating up, coat a rimmed baking sheet with nonstick spray and place your peppers, which have been halved through the stem send, with the cut side facing up onto the baking sheet. Spoon about ⅓ cup of your spiced tomato sauce into each pepper half and place them into the oven to bake. Bake them in the oven until the peppers are tender and their tops are lightly browned. This should take about 25-30 minutes.
  4. Once cooked, transfer the stuffed peppers from the baking sheet to plates, and top them with sprinklings of chopped cilantro. Enjoy!


  • This recipe works great as a main staple of a vegetarian-based dinner, but it also serves as an excellent side dish to a protein-rich entree. Additionally, you can add in some lentils or another legume to add starch and protein to this dish.
  • Alternatively, this recipe uses the same sauce as the Epicurious recipe for Toasted Tomato-Paneer Sandwiches. Simply double your ingredients for the spiced tomato sauce, and spread ½ cup of the sauce over a slice of bread. Top the bread with red onion, cheddar, cilantro, and another slice of bread. Then, melt about 1 tablespoon of butter in a small nonstick skillet over medium heat. Cook 2 sandwiches at a time while pressing down on them with a spatula until the underside of each piece is golden brown and crisp, which takes about 3 minutes. Then, turn the sandwiches over and cook until the other side is golden brown with the cheese melted.

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