What Are The Cheapest Times to Fly?

We asked the airfare expert: What are the cheapest times to fly?  The time of year you fly matters. Just ask anyone who’s traveled the same route at Thanksgiving vs. any other time of the year and they’ll tell you stories about November holiday fares costing three, four or five times the usual rate. The days of the week you fly matter, too, and it matters year-round.  For U.S. domestic flights, the cheapest days to fly are usually Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. For flights to Europe, weekdays tend to be cheaper than weekends. These examples show round-trip fares for travel in June. You can’t always save a third to half-off on airfare as the following examples show by flying the cheapest days but you can usually save something. Try juggling different dates to find the best/cheapest combination. The first step for all airfare shoppers is to compare prices on your route on your preferred dates, then try different day-of-week combinations to see how much you can bring them down. Don’t pass up any savings; you can put those funds to much better use during your vacation.  Also, air fare to Europe are currently at historic lows. If you were thinking of going abroad, this might be the perfect time, but why not save every last dollar you’re entitled to by flying the cheapest days of the week? Check out the examples below:

Boston-Las Vegas
Fly Friday/Sunday: $500
Fly Saturday/Wednesday: $228

Fly Thursday/Sunday: $312
Fly Saturday/Saturday: $203

Fly Friday/Sunday: $391
Fly Saturday/Wednesday: $341
Fly Saturday/Tuesday: $333

New York-Paris
Fly Saturday/Sunday: $548
Fly Monday/Tuesday: $470

Check out cheapair.com for more deals!

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